今回は、リースリングワインの産地による味わいの違いを考察してみようと思います。 リースリングの有名産地を3か国あげるとしたら、次の3つがあがると思います。 ①ドイツ ②フランス(特に、アルザス) ③オーストラリア(特に、イーデンヴァレー、クレアヴァレー) ドイツ リースリングは、ワイン用ブドウとしてドイツで最も栽培面積の多い品種です。 ドイツ国内のリースリングの産地としては、モーゼルやラインガウなどいくつかがありますが、ワインのスタイルの違いは、産地による影響よりも、ワインのカテゴリ(品質分類)の違いによって大きくあらわれるようです。 スタイルの異なるワインのカテゴリとしては、辛口ワインが多く造られる「 クヴァリテーツヴァイン(Quälitatswein) 」と、多くの甘口ワインが造られる「 プレディカーツヴァイン(Prädikatswein) 」との2つがあげられます。 クヴァリテーツヴァイン は最も生産量の多いワインであり、その多くは、辛口で、ライトボディ、かつ、フルーティーな早飲みワインです。ドイツのワイン産地は、世界のワイン産地の北限に位置しており、ブドウの成熟度はそれほど高くならないために、このようなスタイルになるのだと考えられます。 より成熟度の高いブドウから造られる一部の最高品質の辛口ワインもこのクヴァリテーツヴァインに含まれていますが、その数はそれほど多くありません。そのため、 クヴァリテーツヴァイン は主に次のような特徴をもっていると考察されます: クヴァリテーツヴァインの特徴 【外観】 ・淡いレモン色 【香り】 ・弱い~中程度の香りの強さ ・フルーティーでフレッシュな香り ・ 緑色系果実(青リンゴなど)~柑橘類(レモン、ライムなど) ・白い花の香り 【風味】 ・辛口~オフドライ ・高い酸味 ・低~中程度のアルコール度 ・ライトボディ 【品質・価格】 ・良いワイン ・低価格~中程度の価格帯 ちなみに、先ほど言及したGG(Grosses Gewächs)などの最高品質の辛口ワインの場合には、ブドウの成熟度が高まるために、香りの強さが高くなり、香りには有核果実やトロピカルフルーツの香りが現れ、ボディも中程度以上になることが予測されます。それでも、冷涼地域のワインの特徴である香りの繊細さやボディの軽さ、酸味の高さはしっかりと感じられる...
Petrol notes in wine are caused by a chemical, trimethyl-dihydronaphthalene (TDN), whose precursors are naturally found in the juice and skins of the Riesling grape.
Generally, aged Rieslings can have a petrol aroma as the precursors in the wine combine over time to form TDN. When this note is found in young wines, it is considered by some, notably Rhône and Australian producer Michel Chapoutier, to be a fault due to over-pressing during harvest.
(source) https://www.decanter.com/learn/advice/understand-tasting-notes-decoded-344920/
TDN (trimethyldihydronaphthalene)
(source) https://wine-pages.com/columnist-articles/wine-tastes-and-flavours/
A scent of ‘gasoline’ in wine is commonly associated and considered a typical characteristic of the Riesling grape variety.
It is more commonly experienced from Riesling wines grown in cool climate on pour rocky terroirs, such as some found in Germany, Alsace, France, or New Zealand, rather than in warmer ones, say Australia, California or Chile.
Notably, renowned Rhone wine producer, Michel Chapoutier said that “Riesling should never smell of petrol. That is a result of a mistake during winemaking” and that “the petrol characteristic, which is often prized amongst Riesling aficionados, is a result of decomposition of the veins within the grape. These veins become more fragile as the grape matures.” (Source: Decanter.com)
Apart from Riesling, you may find an aroma of petrol/kerosene in white wines made from Pinot Gris, Sylvaner, Verdejo, or Vermentino (Rolle).
(source) http://socialvignerons.com/2018/05/08/top-100-aromas-in-wine-a-to-z/
Petroleum - A positive aroma associated with aged Rieslings from the Mosel in Germany and some younger examples from Italy and Australia.
(source) https://winefolly.com/tips/33-bizarre-wine-flavors/
Petrol notes in wine are caused by a chemical, trimethyl-dihydronaphthalene (TDN), whose precursors are naturally found in the juice and skins of the Riesling grape.
Generally, aged Rieslings can have a petrol aroma as the precursors in the wine combine over time to form TDN. When this note is found in young wines, it is considered by some, notably Rhône and Australian producer Michel Chapoutier, to be a fault due to over-pressing during harvest.
(source) https://www.decanter.com/learn/advice/understand-tasting-notes-decoded-344920/
Anyone who has siphoned fuel from a car will know that the classic bottle-aged aroma of Riesling has nothing in common with either the smell or the taste of petrol (kerosene or gasoline), yet once experienced the so-called petrol aroma is one of the easiest recognised and least argued about wine characteristics.TDN (trimethyldihydronaphthalene)
(source) https://wine-pages.com/columnist-articles/wine-tastes-and-flavours/
A scent of ‘gasoline’ in wine is commonly associated and considered a typical characteristic of the Riesling grape variety.
It is more commonly experienced from Riesling wines grown in cool climate on pour rocky terroirs, such as some found in Germany, Alsace, France, or New Zealand, rather than in warmer ones, say Australia, California or Chile.
Notably, renowned Rhone wine producer, Michel Chapoutier said that “Riesling should never smell of petrol. That is a result of a mistake during winemaking” and that “the petrol characteristic, which is often prized amongst Riesling aficionados, is a result of decomposition of the veins within the grape. These veins become more fragile as the grape matures.” (Source: Decanter.com)
Apart from Riesling, you may find an aroma of petrol/kerosene in white wines made from Pinot Gris, Sylvaner, Verdejo, or Vermentino (Rolle).
(source) http://socialvignerons.com/2018/05/08/top-100-aromas-in-wine-a-to-z/
Petroleum - A positive aroma associated with aged Rieslings from the Mosel in Germany and some younger examples from Italy and Australia.
(source) https://winefolly.com/tips/33-bizarre-wine-flavors/