ワインの香りを表現する際に、しばしば 「スギ」 という言葉が登場します。 この「スギ」という言葉は、おそらく英語の「Cedar」に由来しており、Cedarは正確には日本のスギと異なるセイヨウスギを意味します。 厳密には、日本のスギは、マツ綱のヒノキ科スギ属で日本固有種であり、Cedar は、マツ目マツ科のヒマラヤスギ属です。 香りとしては、スギもCedar(ヒマラヤスギ)も一般に、 森林浴を思わせる爽やかさや清涼感を香り を持つと言われています。基本的には、 「スギ」 も 「Cedar」 を似たような香りを持っているようです。 さて、ワインにおいて 「Cedar」 という言葉が使われる場合、多くの場合、これは 樽熟成を経た赤ワイン に対して使われます。「Oak」という表現に類似しており、 ワインが持つ木の香り を表す言葉として使われます。(※樽熟成の代わりにオークチップを使った場合でも感じられるようですが、その香りは弱くなるようです) そのため、香りのタイプとしては通常、 第2の香り(ワイン醸造に関係する香り) に分類されています。 また、ブドウ品種としては 「カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン」 によく使われる言葉としても知られています。 カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンは、製造工程において、比較的、 長期の樽熟成を伴う ことの多いブドウ品種です。そのため、ワインはオーク樽由来の木の香りを帯びることが多く、このような表現と相性が良いのだと思います。 また、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンは品種由来の香りとして、 「メンソール」 や 「ハーブ」 のような 青さや清涼感のある香り を持つことで知られています。これが樽熟成に由来する木の香りと相まって、森林浴を思わせる爽やかさや清涼感をもつ 「Cedar」 や 「スギ」 という表現用語で表されるのだと思います。 時々、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンの品種特徴として「スギの香り」と書かれていることがありますが、樽熟成を伴わないカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンからはもしかしたらスギの香りは感じられないかもしれません。 一般的に、「スギ」や「Cedar」の香りを持つ赤ワインは、フレンチオークで熟成されたものであると言われています。例えば、ボルドーの赤ワインや、高品質なナパバレーのカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンなどがこれに当たります。 アメリカンオークが樽熟成に使われた場
Petrol notes in wine are caused by a chemical, trimethyl-dihydronaphthalene (TDN), whose precursors are naturally found in the juice and skins of the Riesling grape.
Generally, aged Rieslings can have a petrol aroma as the precursors in the wine combine over time to form TDN. When this note is found in young wines, it is considered by some, notably Rhône and Australian producer Michel Chapoutier, to be a fault due to over-pressing during harvest.
(source) https://www.decanter.com/learn/advice/understand-tasting-notes-decoded-344920/
TDN (trimethyldihydronaphthalene)
(source) https://wine-pages.com/columnist-articles/wine-tastes-and-flavours/
A scent of ‘gasoline’ in wine is commonly associated and considered a typical characteristic of the Riesling grape variety.
It is more commonly experienced from Riesling wines grown in cool climate on pour rocky terroirs, such as some found in Germany, Alsace, France, or New Zealand, rather than in warmer ones, say Australia, California or Chile.
Notably, renowned Rhone wine producer, Michel Chapoutier said that “Riesling should never smell of petrol. That is a result of a mistake during winemaking” and that “the petrol characteristic, which is often prized amongst Riesling aficionados, is a result of decomposition of the veins within the grape. These veins become more fragile as the grape matures.” (Source: Decanter.com)
Apart from Riesling, you may find an aroma of petrol/kerosene in white wines made from Pinot Gris, Sylvaner, Verdejo, or Vermentino (Rolle).
(source) http://socialvignerons.com/2018/05/08/top-100-aromas-in-wine-a-to-z/
Petroleum - A positive aroma associated with aged Rieslings from the Mosel in Germany and some younger examples from Italy and Australia.
(source) https://winefolly.com/tips/33-bizarre-wine-flavors/
Petrol notes in wine are caused by a chemical, trimethyl-dihydronaphthalene (TDN), whose precursors are naturally found in the juice and skins of the Riesling grape.
Generally, aged Rieslings can have a petrol aroma as the precursors in the wine combine over time to form TDN. When this note is found in young wines, it is considered by some, notably Rhône and Australian producer Michel Chapoutier, to be a fault due to over-pressing during harvest.
(source) https://www.decanter.com/learn/advice/understand-tasting-notes-decoded-344920/
Anyone who has siphoned fuel from a car will know that the classic bottle-aged aroma of Riesling has nothing in common with either the smell or the taste of petrol (kerosene or gasoline), yet once experienced the so-called petrol aroma is one of the easiest recognised and least argued about wine characteristics.TDN (trimethyldihydronaphthalene)
(source) https://wine-pages.com/columnist-articles/wine-tastes-and-flavours/
A scent of ‘gasoline’ in wine is commonly associated and considered a typical characteristic of the Riesling grape variety.
It is more commonly experienced from Riesling wines grown in cool climate on pour rocky terroirs, such as some found in Germany, Alsace, France, or New Zealand, rather than in warmer ones, say Australia, California or Chile.
Notably, renowned Rhone wine producer, Michel Chapoutier said that “Riesling should never smell of petrol. That is a result of a mistake during winemaking” and that “the petrol characteristic, which is often prized amongst Riesling aficionados, is a result of decomposition of the veins within the grape. These veins become more fragile as the grape matures.” (Source: Decanter.com)
Apart from Riesling, you may find an aroma of petrol/kerosene in white wines made from Pinot Gris, Sylvaner, Verdejo, or Vermentino (Rolle).
(source) http://socialvignerons.com/2018/05/08/top-100-aromas-in-wine-a-to-z/
Petroleum - A positive aroma associated with aged Rieslings from the Mosel in Germany and some younger examples from Italy and Australia.
(source) https://winefolly.com/tips/33-bizarre-wine-flavors/