ワインの香りを表現する際に、しばしば 「スギ」 という言葉が登場します。 この「スギ」という言葉は、おそらく英語の「Cedar」に由来しており、Cedarは正確には日本のスギと異なるセイヨウスギを意味します。 厳密には、日本のスギは、マツ綱のヒノキ科スギ属で日本固有種であり、Cedar は、マツ目マツ科のヒマラヤスギ属です。 香りとしては、スギもCedar(ヒマラヤスギ)も一般に、 森林浴を思わせる爽やかさや清涼感を香り を持つと言われています。基本的には、 「スギ」 も 「Cedar」 を似たような香りを持っているようです。 さて、ワインにおいて 「Cedar」 という言葉が使われる場合、多くの場合、これは 樽熟成を経た赤ワイン に対して使われます。「Oak」という表現に類似しており、 ワインが持つ木の香り を表す言葉として使われます。(※樽熟成の代わりにオークチップを使った場合でも感じられるようですが、その香りは弱くなるようです) そのため、香りのタイプとしては通常、 第2の香り(ワイン醸造に関係する香り) に分類されています。 また、ブドウ品種としては 「カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン」 によく使われる言葉としても知られています。 カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンは、製造工程において、比較的、 長期の樽熟成を伴う ことの多いブドウ品種です。そのため、ワインはオーク樽由来の木の香りを帯びることが多く、このような表現と相性が良いのだと思います。 また、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンは品種由来の香りとして、 「メンソール」 や 「ハーブ」 のような 青さや清涼感のある香り を持つことで知られています。これが樽熟成に由来する木の香りと相まって、森林浴を思わせる爽やかさや清涼感をもつ 「Cedar」 や 「スギ」 という表現用語で表されるのだと思います。 時々、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンの品種特徴として「スギの香り」と書かれていることがありますが、樽熟成を伴わないカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンからはもしかしたらスギの香りは感じられないかもしれません。 一般的に、「スギ」や「Cedar」の香りを持つ赤ワインは、フレンチオークで熟成されたものであると言われています。例えば、ボルドーの赤ワインや、高品質なナパバレーのカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンなどがこれに当たります。 アメリカンオークが樽熟成に使われた場
そのような醸造工程の1つが、「炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)=マセラシオン・カルボニック」でした。
Understanding Wine Technology: The Science of Wine Explained です。
この本では炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)の工程が詳しく書かれていました。
<炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)に関する引用>
...it produces a style of wine that is popular, a wine that is of good purple colour, fresh and fruity on the nose, soft and eminently quaffable, and ready to drink.
The two important factors necessary to the success of this process are the use of whole bunches of undamaged grapes and a fermentation vessel that can be filled with carbon dioxide.
The fermentation takes place in two distinct stages, the first in a specially prepared closed vat at an elevated temperature, the second in an ordinary vat at normal temperature.
The complete sequence of events is:
1. A vat that can be totally closed (usually a concrete vat with metal hatch covers) is flushed with carbon dioxide to sweep out all the air, thus eliminating all of the oxygen. It should be noted that the vat remains at atmospheric pressure throughout the process, but air cannot enter.
2. The vat is filled with whole bunches of undamaged grapes. It is important that the grape skin is intact, otherwise the juice will escape and an ordinary fermentation will commence.
3. The lack of oxygen and the presence of carbon dioxide cause complex metabolic changes to occur inside the grape, which can be simplistically associated with dying. The structure of the grape is attacked by the grape's own enzymes, releasing the sugars from within the cells. The grapes are undergoing anaerobiosis.
4. The enzymes in the grape attack the sugars, breaking them down to alcohol. This is intracellular fermentation, and takes place in the absence of yeast (although it is the same biochemical process that occurs inside the yeast during normal fermentation).
5. The biochemical reactions cause the temperature to rise to between 30 and 35°C. This process is allowed to continue for between five and fifteen days, during which time about 3% alcohol is produced.
6. At the end of this period, the contents of the vat become soft and semi-liquid, and the characteristic aromatic flavour will have developed. The vat is drained, the juice separated, the skins pressed as usual and the press juice added to the free-run juice. Another unusual characteristic of carbonic maceration is that the press juice is of better quality than the free-run juice.
7. The combined juice is cooled to about 20°C, transferred to an ordinary vat and the fermentation allowed to run to completion, using either the natural yeast from the grape skins or an added selected yeast. This is extracellular fermentation. The result is a combination of the best of both worlds: good extraction of softened skins aided by the elevated temperature, followed by the completion of fermentation at a lower temperature, which retains the volatile aromas.
かなり「炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)=マセラシオン・カルボニック」の工程に関する理解が深まりました!
また、WSET L3を英語で受ける場合には、醸造工程を英語で表現する際の参考にもなると思います。
そのような醸造工程の1つが、「炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)=マセラシオン・カルボニック」でした。
Understanding Wine Technology: The Science of Wine Explained です。
この本では炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)の工程が詳しく書かれていました。
<炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)に関する引用>
...it produces a style of wine that is popular, a wine that is of good purple colour, fresh and fruity on the nose, soft and eminently quaffable, and ready to drink.
The two important factors necessary to the success of this process are the use of whole bunches of undamaged grapes and a fermentation vessel that can be filled with carbon dioxide.
The fermentation takes place in two distinct stages, the first in a specially prepared closed vat at an elevated temperature, the second in an ordinary vat at normal temperature.
The complete sequence of events is:
1. A vat that can be totally closed (usually a concrete vat with metal hatch covers) is flushed with carbon dioxide to sweep out all the air, thus eliminating all of the oxygen. It should be noted that the vat remains at atmospheric pressure throughout the process, but air cannot enter.
2. The vat is filled with whole bunches of undamaged grapes. It is important that the grape skin is intact, otherwise the juice will escape and an ordinary fermentation will commence.
3. The lack of oxygen and the presence of carbon dioxide cause complex metabolic changes to occur inside the grape, which can be simplistically associated with dying. The structure of the grape is attacked by the grape's own enzymes, releasing the sugars from within the cells. The grapes are undergoing anaerobiosis.
4. The enzymes in the grape attack the sugars, breaking them down to alcohol. This is intracellular fermentation, and takes place in the absence of yeast (although it is the same biochemical process that occurs inside the yeast during normal fermentation).
5. The biochemical reactions cause the temperature to rise to between 30 and 35°C. This process is allowed to continue for between five and fifteen days, during which time about 3% alcohol is produced.
6. At the end of this period, the contents of the vat become soft and semi-liquid, and the characteristic aromatic flavour will have developed. The vat is drained, the juice separated, the skins pressed as usual and the press juice added to the free-run juice. Another unusual characteristic of carbonic maceration is that the press juice is of better quality than the free-run juice.
7. The combined juice is cooled to about 20°C, transferred to an ordinary vat and the fermentation allowed to run to completion, using either the natural yeast from the grape skins or an added selected yeast. This is extracellular fermentation. The result is a combination of the best of both worlds: good extraction of softened skins aided by the elevated temperature, followed by the completion of fermentation at a lower temperature, which retains the volatile aromas.
かなり「炭酸ガス浸漬法(Carbonic maceration)=マセラシオン・カルボニック」の工程に関する理解が深まりました!
また、WSET L3を英語で受ける場合には、醸造工程を英語で表現する際の参考にもなると思います。